Thursday, December 26, 2019

What Will Happen If Endangered Species Become Extinct - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 584 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/10/30 Category Environment Essay Level High school Tags: Endangered Species Essay Did you like this example? Definition: When we hear the word extinct,the first thing that springs to mind are animals that existed millions of years ago that we have never seen,such as dinosaurs and giant when the members or individuals of certain group die out we will say that extinction has taken place. There are two different types of extinction Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What Will Happen If Endangered Species Become Extinct?" essay for you Create order Background extinction :refers to normal extinction for example some species cant be sustained on earth. Mass extinction :is a widespread event that wipes out the majority of living plants and animals. Plants More than 300,000 known species of plants are threatened with extinction.plants provide the oxygen we breathe and the food we eat.theyre also the source of a majority of medicines in USA today and over 50% of medicines derived from plants. Impact of extinction on human disease: Many different species have unique bodily processes that can cure human disease.for example the toxins produced by dart-poison frogs in the rainforest have invaluable information about how alkaloid compounds behave in living the loss of these resources could prove a terrible blow to humans. Impact of the tiger disappeared: Tiger,in particular,is a super is at the very top of its food chain.this means that animal has no natural predators.tigers are important in Asian cultures too.its disappearance would be a huge cultural loss and feline is also one of the most endangered species. When elephants go,so do trees ! In recent study found that there is a stark correlation between lower elephant populations and less trees.elephants are regarded as the architects of their fact after humans,elephants have the largest ability to influence their natural environment. Effects of animals extinction: When we lose the animals through extinction,we lose biodiversity. Biodiversity refers to the total number species.animals extinction is a threat to the human we can say that it has got more disadvantages than advantages however,the extinction of a species may not always be a bad thing according to the Natural History Museum. The exhibition will show that without the demise of animals like dinosaurs,which died out 66 million years ago,birds would never come to dominate the planet. The relationship between extinction and food cycle: Every living thing plays a role in the food chain and earths ecosystems,and the extinction of certain species,whether predators or prey can have serious impacts.think about large animals like the grizzly bear,when a predator goes extinct,all of its prey are released from the predation pressure and they may have big impacts on ecosystems.or for example Arctic foxes are only canine species that can change the color with the season.if they become extinct it will upset the food chain which can disturb the ljfe cycle of other species. The extinction of many species depends on the survival of others,and dont think human beings are an exception . Ants: Ants turn up more soil than earthworms! when ants dig tunnels,they aerate the soil and recycle nutrients.they have also been essential to production of coffee and chocolate. Bees: They are responsible for pollinating the worlds food supply and also produce buzzing sounds when they sense toxic chemicals in the air. Conclusion: In this world there are many plants and animals going extinct and humans never know how valuable a species of animal and plant may be for us in the future,perhaps as food,medicine or for specific information.

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